Zebra Study: 7.7M Retail Workers Lack Mobile Tech Access, Impacting Store Operations

Zebra Study: 7.7M Retail Workers Lack Mobile Tech Access, Impacting Store Operations

Zebra Technologies commissioned a Coresight Research report revealing that approximately 7.7 million retail employees (one-third of U.S. retail workforce) lack exclusive access to mobile devices. The study shows that 40% of employees at large retailers must share devices or work without them, particularly affecting store operations (42%), merchandising (37%), and store floor staff (34%).

Retailers acknowledge that providing dedicated mobile devices could significantly improve operational efficiency, employee satisfaction, and customer service. Nearly 90% of associates reported feeling more valued when provided with technology tools, according to Zebra’s Annual Global Shopper Study.

Zebra Technologies ha commissionato un rapporto di Coresight Research che rivela che circa 7,7 milioni di dipendenti del commercio al dettaglio (un terzo della forza lavoro del commercio al dettaglio negli Stati Uniti) non hanno accesso esclusivo a dispositivi mobili. Lo studio mostra che il 40% dei dipendenti presso i grandi rivenditori deve condividere i dispositivi o lavorare senza di essi, influenzando particolarmente le operazioni del negozio (42%), il merchandising (37%) e il personale del piano vendita (34%).

I rivenditori riconoscono che fornire dispositivi mobili dedicati potrebbe migliorare notevolmente l’efficienza operativa, la soddisfazione dei dipendenti e il servizio clienti. Secondo lo Studio Globale dei Clienti Annuale di Zebra, quasi il 90% dei collaboratori ha riferito di sentirsi più apprezzato quando dotato di strumenti tecnologici.

Zebra Technologies encargó un informe de Coresight Research que revela que aproximadamente 7,7 millones de empleados en el comercio minorista (un tercio de la fuerza laboral minorista en Estados Unidos) no tienen acceso exclusivo a dispositivos móviles. El estudio muestra que el 40% de los empleados en grandes minoristas deben compartir dispositivos o trabajar sin ellos, lo que afecta especialmente las operaciones en tienda (42%), el merchandising (37%) y el personal del piso de ventas (34%).

Los minoristas reconocen que proporcionar dispositivos móviles dedicados podría mejorar significativamente la eficiencia operativa, la satisfacción de los empleados y el servicio al cliente. Según el Estudio Global Anual de Compradores de Zebra, casi el 90% de los empleados se sintieron más valorados cuando se les proporcionaron herramientas tecnológicas.

제브라 테크놀로지스는 코어사이트 리서치 보고서를 의뢰하여 약 770만 명의 소매 직원 (미국 소매 인력의 1/3)이 모바일 기기에 독점적으로 접근하지 못하고 있다고 밝혔습니다. 이 연구에 따르면 대형 소매업체의 40%의 직원들이 기기를 공유하거나 기기 없이 작업해야 하며, 이는 특히 매장 운영(42%), 상품 관리(37%), 매장 직원(34%)에 영향을 미칩니다.

소매업체는 전용 모바일 기기를 제공하는 것이 운영 효율성, 직원 만족도 및 고객 서비스 개선에 상당한 도움이 될 수 있다고 인정하고 있습니다. 제브라의 연례 글로벌 쇼퍼 연구에 따르면, 거의 90%의 직원들이 기술 도구를 제공받았을 때 더 가치를 느낀다고 보고했습니다.

Zebra Technologies a commandé un rapport de Coresight Research révélant qu’environ 7,7 millions d’employés du commerce de détail (un tiers de la main-d’œuvre du commerce de détail aux États-Unis) n’ont pas un accès exclusif à des appareils mobiles. L’étude montre que 40% des employés de grands détaillants doivent partager des appareils ou travailler sans eux, ce qui affecte particulièrement les opérations en magasin (42%), le merchandising (37%) et le personnel du sol (34%).

Les détaillants reconnaissent que la fourniture de dispositifs mobiles dédiés pourrait améliorer considérablement l’efficacité opérationnelle, la satisfaction des employés et le service à la clientèle. Selon l’Étude Mondiale Annuelle des Acheteurs de Zebra, près de 90% des associés ont déclaré se sentir plus valorisés lorsqu’ils sont dotés d’outils technologiques.

Zebra Technologies beauftragte einen Bericht von Coresight Research, der zeigt, dass etwa 7,7 Millionen Einzelhandelsmitarbeiter (ein Drittel der Einzelhandelsarbeitskräfte in den USA) keinen exklusiven Zugang zu mobilen Geräten haben. Die Studie zeigt, dass 40% der Mitarbeiter in großen Einzelhandelsunternehmen Geräte teilen oder ohne sie arbeiten müssen, was insbesondere die Geschäftsbetriebe (42%), das Merchandising (37%) und das Personal im Verkaufsraum (34%) betrifft.

Einzelhändler erkennen an, dass die Bereitstellung von speziellen mobilen Geräten die betriebliche Effizienz, die Mitarbeiterzufriedenheit und den Kundenservice erheblich verbessern könnte. Laut Zebras jährlicher globaler Käuferstudie berichteten fast 90% der Mitarbeiter, dass sie sich mehr wertgeschätzt fühlen, wenn sie mit technischen Werkzeugen ausgestattet sind.


  • Recognition of technology implementation benefits for operational efficiency

  • Clear identification of improvement areas in retail operations

  • Strong correlation between technology provision and employee satisfaction (90% positive response)


  • Large portion (33%) of retail workforce lacks essential mobile technology

  • Higher device shortage in large retailers ($1B+ revenue) compared to smaller ones

  • Operational inefficiencies due to device sharing or absence affecting key departments


The study reveals a significant operational gap in retail technology adoption, with 7.7 million retail employees lacking dedicated mobile devices. This inefficiency particularly affects large retailers with over $1 billion in revenue, potentially impacting ZBRA’s enterprise mobility business positively. The research indicates strong market expansion opportunities, as 40% of employees at large retailers either share devices or have none.

The findings suggest a substantial untapped market for Zebra’s mobile solutions, especially considering that areas most critical to retail success – store operations (42%), merchandising (37%) and store floor (34%) – show the lowest device adoption rates. With 90% of associates reporting higher job satisfaction when equipped with technology, this presents a compelling business case for retailers to invest in Zebra’s solutions, potentially driving significant revenue growth in their retail segment.

Coresight Research survey commissioned by Zebra Technologies shows store operations would benefit most from equipping employees with a mobile device and modern software applications

Zebra Technologies Corporation (NASDAQ: ZBRA), a leading digital solution provider enabling businesses to intelligently connect data, assets, and people, commissioned a report conducted by Coresight Research to understand if U.S. retail associates are equipped to do their jobs well. The report, titled “Success at Hand: Equipping Frontline Workers with More Mobile Devices to Drive Revenue and Delight Customers,” indicates there are an estimated 7.7 million retail employees who do not have mobile devices available for their exclusive use. This equals approximately one-third of the current U.S. retail workforce.

While skill and talent shortages are cited as a leading barrier to equipping retail associates with devices, the smartphone-like interfaces on devices allow workers to use them more easily. In addition, artificial intelligence (AI) tools on the devices enhance frontline worker capabilities and ultimately help bridge the skills gap.

“Most people are accustomed to always having mobile devices in their hands. When they don’t have one, workers feel disconnected from the people, tools, and information they rely on to do their jobs well,” said Deborah Weinswig, CEO, Coresight Research. “This study opened our eyes to the reason why some retailers may be struggling to attract and retain employees or meet shoppers’ expectations.”

The Coresight Research report indicates 40% of employees working for large retailers either have to share a mobile device or go without one. Mass merchandisers and companies with over $1 billion in revenue ranked above average in terms of the proportion of workers without their own mobile devices at their companies.

Those who work in store operations (42%), merchandising (37%) or on the store floor (34%) are the least likely to have dedicated devices even though they are often considered to be among the most mobile-dependent team members and highly influence shopper satisfaction ratings.

Retailers who participated in the Coresight Research survey acknowledged that giving each employee a dedicated mobile device would significantly help increase the efficiency of daily operational tasks such as restocking shelves and enhance communications between staff. Other benefits include improving product placement accuracy, customer service response time and the efficiency of delivery and curbside pickup as well as enhancing the accuracy of price checks, product information and promotional execution.

Retailers’ top perceived benefit of equipping workers with mobile devices was “improved employee satisfaction.” This aligns with the feedback from those surveyed for Zebra’s 17th Annual Global Shopper Study in which nearly 90% of associates said they feel more valued by their employer when they provide technology tools to help them do their work.

“Now that we understand how ill-equipped many retail store associates and managers are to do their jobs, it becomes easier to understand why nearly 90% believe they can provide a better customer experience when they have mobile technology tools,” said Jim Musco, North America Retail Industry Principal, Zebra Technologies. “When shoppers are more digitally connected to retail operations than associates, that’s a problem. Fortunately, it’s a fairly easy one to solve.”


– One-third of the U.S. retail workforce is not given a dedicated mobile device today, with the largest retailers least likely to give each employee a device for their exclusive use.

– Retailers agree that giving workers mobile devices could offer tremendous benefits, including improved employee satisfaction and operational efficiency.

– The full Coresight Research report is available for download here.


Zebra (NASDAQ: ZBRA) helps organizations monitor, anticipate, and accelerate workflows by empowering their frontline and ensuring that everyone and everything is visible, connected and fully optimized. Our award-winning portfolio spans software to innovations in robotics, machine vision, automation and digital decisioning, all backed by a +50-year legacy in scanning, track-and-trace and mobile computing solutions. With an ecosystem of 10,000 partners across more than 100 countries, Zebra’s customers include over 80% of the Fortune 500. Newsweek recently recognized Zebra on its list of Global Most Loved Workplaces, and we are on Fast Company’s list of the Best Workplaces for Innovators. Learn more at www.zebra.com or sign up for news alerts. Follow Zebra’s Your Edge blog, LinkedIn, X and Facebook, and check out our Story Hub: Zebra Perspectives.

ZEBRA and the stylized Zebra head are trademarks of Zebra Technologies Corp., registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. ©2024 Zebra Technologies Corp. and/or its affiliates.

Media Contact:

Michael Gilhooly

Zebra Technologies


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Industry Analyst Contact:

Kasia Fahmy

Zebra Technologies


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Source: Zebra Technologies Corporation


How many retail workers lack dedicated mobile devices according to Zebra Technologies (ZBRA) study?

According to the study, approximately 7.7 million retail employees, or one-third of the U.S. retail workforce, lack exclusive access to mobile devices.

What percentage of large retailer employees must share or go without mobile devices per ZBRA research?

The research shows that 40% of employees working for large retailers either have to share a mobile device or go without one.

Which retail departments are most affected by the lack of dedicated mobile devices according to ZBRA study?

Store operations (42%), merchandising (37%), and store floor staff (34%) are the most affected departments, being least likely to have dedicated devices.
